Charles Spurgeon once quipped: “Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.” The leadership at FBC believes that there is no substitute for studying God’s Word. As we corporately gather Sunday after Sunday our prayer is for God’s people to dig deeper into the Bible throughout the week using sound, helpful tools in their further personal study.

Personal study tools for your time in the Bible:

  • New Strong's Concise Concordance of the Bible by James Strong; THOMAS NELSON
  • NIV Compact Bible Commentary by John H. Sailhamer; ZONDERVAN

Further reading suggestions for this year's sermon series, “Onward Together With Joy”:

  • Be Joyful by Warren W. Wiersbe; DAVID C COOK
  • What Is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert; CROSSWAY

Additional helpful resources:

  • I Am A Church Member: Discovering the Attitude that Makes the Difference by Thom S. Rainer; B&H BOOKS
  • Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ Is Essential by Collin Hansen, Jonathan Leeman; CROSSWAY