Our PURPOSE is to provide the platform for the discipling of children on Sundays and to assist parents in the discipling of their children during the week.
We offer Sunday School classes for Preschool through Grade 5 at 9:45 am in our newly renovated Children’s Center.
We also offer Children’s Church during the 11:00 AM service. Children begin the service with their families and then dismissed as a group to Children’s Church after announcements.
We have a team of eight couples/families who serve as teachers and leaders with FaithKids at FBC under the direction of Associate Pastor Alvin Cheng. Please see him for any inquiries.
Our desire is to see our children continually transformed in Christ through intentional discipleship, as well as assisting our parents in their efforts to disciple their children in Christ. These are done through our Sunday School teaching ministry, Children’s Church worship ministry, and midweek AWANA Club ministry on a weekly basis. Other contributing ministries for children at FBC include Vacation Bible School, alternative events for Halloween, and an annual Labor Day cookout.